BIOT – Biosense IOT
Intelligent sensor device for detecting biological thread agents, as actively place screening (as kitchens, hospital areas, toilets, transp. etc.).
BIOT service is to build a real-time connected threads network for optimizing the disinfection actions, reducing the costs and substances.
Biological threat agents (like bacteria, or organic agents that leads to infestation) are silent enemies with progressive transmission capability from a person to person, impact on public health and potentiality for causing public panic and social disruption that require monitoring trends and immediate actions.
For instance, if a place is “infested” by particular biological agents and is dirty or not well cleaned, the agents are caried out by people motion infesting other places, finally spreading and affecting people health at large scale.
Cleaning operability
BIOT is looking on facility cleaning entities to manage their carbon footprint and make operations more efficient.
Reducing biocides
BIOT is targeting to reduce up to 30% the number of biocides usage with the mainfocus on the people health and defending against biologicals threats.
Social impact
Early detection and identification of life threatening biological agents is an essential step for the whole process of bio threat management.